When John and I came down here last year to help mom with her house we didn’t really anticipate being here for more than a couple of months. A year later we are still here and going through our second Alabama summer. A bit of background, I am from the Midwest and have lived majority of my adult life in the Upper-Midwest. John has lived his whole life in the Upper-Midwest and this is the first time he has been in another state from more than a couple weeks. Summer in the Upper-Midwest is hot and humid around the middle of June through August. When storms roll in the humidity drops after it rains most of the time. May though the middle of June and September are the best months in my opinion as it is typically in the 70s to low 80 in the day and 60s at night.
In Alabama it gets hot in April and doesn’t cool off until October. That may be a slight exaggeration but not by much. The last two years it has been in the 80s to 90s in May and 90s all through June, July and August. All that heat along with high humidity makes it feel tropical here to me.
When we got our 5’er it only had one air conditioner installed. Last year we we got the Coleman Mach AC as our second unit installed as our single AC couldn’t keep up. One AC only drops it 10 degrees from the outside temp so if it is in the 90s outside it would be in the 80s inside which is quite uncomfortable. With two ACs I can keep it in the mid 70s inside which keeps me happy. In our location there is a 30% chance of rain every day. When it does rain it is typically a thunderstorm, the rain comes down in buckets a lot of lightning and then it’s over. After the storm it is even more humid that before the storm. Nothing like walking outside and having your glasses fog up immediately.
Surprisingly even with the heat and humidity we still get together with neighbors and do cookout birthday parties and holidays. We also have campfires on Friday and Saturday nights if it isn’t too hot or too wet from rain.
Our second AC being installed May of 2013.
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