It has been almost 2 years since the hubby and I left Minnesota to live the full-time RV life. When we first started we had big plans of traveling and we did a bit but not as much as we originally thought we would do before needing to stop and work. We have been in Alabama getting my mother's house ready to sell and doing a lot of renovating on said house. My mother is selling her house so she can hit the road in an RV and do the traveling she has been wanting to do for years. It wasn’t until my husband and I were available to help with her house that her dream could move forward. Renovating has taken much longer than any of us had planned so hubby had to get a job locally. Well he has 2 jobs part time jobs now, getting a full-time job has been elusive in this job market. Here are is a sampling of the finished rooms and her house is now on the market.
Last week one of our neighbors was mowing another neighbors yard and the mower threw a rock which hit our dinning room window. Scared the crap out of me as I was sitting at the table typing and heard it hit the window. Also scared the dog who came shooting out from under the table. I thought that an AC adapter had popped and was looking for a smoldering adapter. Then I heard crackling and looked up at the window behind the partially closed blind. The rock did not come through and the window did exactly what it was designed to do which is stay together. It did start coming apart slowly as the days have gone by.
The above picture is two days after the hit, I didn’t think to take a picture right away. We put cardboard up temporarily to keep the pieces of glass from falling into the coach. It did light rain one day then the following two days were heavy wind with the cold front coming in. The cardboard kept both rain and wind at bay for the most part but we know it wouldn’t make it three weeks.
The following pictures are of my husband taking the window out and replacing with a wood panel now that the insurance adjuster has contacted us. Surprisingly our neighbor's home owners insurance is covering the replacement.
With the temperature dropping and the long wait for a new window we should do better with the wood. It has been a week since the accident and will take at least 3 more weeks to get a new window shipped to us. RV windows are considered specialty windows and apparently only one place in California makes them.
The rock incident occurred on a Thursday. The following Monday we heard that a friend of ours had passed the day before, he had a heart attack while taking a nap. We were totally floored as he was only 48 years old. We had met Hoyt and his wife Mary in Gillette, WY during the 2012 Heartland Owners club rally. There was a girls horse riding competition in a small section of the CAM-PLEX and John and I walked up and sat in the bleachers. Hoyt and Mary came up to watch just a few minutes later and we chatted and hit if off right away. We last saw them at the 2013 Heartland Rally in Goshen, IN. We should have done a better job of keeping in touch as you never know when someone will be gone. He was the type of guy that made friends easy and you enjoyed being around him. Hoyt will truly be missed by us and by a lot other of people. Rest in peace my friend.